Thursday, May 14, 2009

Edmunds Accessibility on the Radio

Thanks to Anne Barbano. She lives in Burlington and made a film called Living the Autism Maze... important stuff. She also hosts a radio show on The Radiator called The Next Frontier. [Click on the date below to listen to the show.]

Anne and guest talked on the May 13, 2009 show about Edmunds school accessibility...
1990 American Disabilities Act. 2009 - Still working on it. Vermont prides itself on inclusion. Why do we still have issues around physical access into our public buildings... Listen in on a conversation with Michael Wood-Lewis regarding this daily reality.

1 comment:

  1. I am sharing this subject widely! Thank you for enlightening me about this daily 24/7 occurrence. Michael sharing with me the story of standing outside the inaccesible school with his son in a wheelchair viewing the poster inside "WE ALL BELONG" is heartwrenching. That example needs to be told over and over. Lets make a public service announcement! ~ ANNE
