Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sample Letter to Governor Douglas

Just heard from a community member that she sent the following to Vermont's Governor. Please write your message to him here.

Governor Douglas, I write to you on a subject close to my heart and close to my family. Our children attend Edmunds Middle School and I am distressed over the school's non-accessibility for those who cannot use stairs. Others can speak more forcefully on the personal impact of this barrier to civic participation. I just want to say it is terribly unfair. Our civic buildings absolutely must be open to everyone. Anything less is an affront to democracy and a failure of leadership.

Please consider using some of the economic stimulus funds to create full accessibility at Edmunds. This is a project just like any other public works project: it can create jobs and get wages flowing back into the community. And like roads and bridges (only more so), it will have an enduring impact that strengthens our society.

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